Call of Duty: World at War is the fifth installment to the Call of Duty franchise, and the Call of Duty:World at War Map Pack 3 has recently been announced. This game takes you back into World War 2 as many other War games have before, but in a way that's better than the rest. This game, though it's had rocky reviews, is probably one of the best World War 2 games there is, so it's definitely worth taking a look at. You should make sure you take advantage of getting your Free Xbox Live so you won't have to worry about paying it, so you can enjoy playing World at War online.
The Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 3 comes with 4 new maps for players to explore. Three of them being regular maps to play matches on, one of them being a map specialized for the Zombie mode. Along with the maps, 10 new achievements are being added to World at War and one of them hints at a Ray Gun achievement. The Ray Gun has been in World at War since launch, but I guess they're looking for all ways to add new achievements. Some of the new achievements include killing 40 zombies with your knife, opening all doors in the map, and using a monkey bomb. Pretty simple achievements, I think. Make sure you have your Free Xbox Live membership so you're able to show off your achievements and have your friends help you with them, if they include zombies.
This World at War Map Pack 3 will be released in August, which is coming up pretty soon actually. The map pack is expected to be priced at 800 Microsoft Points, which is the average amount that all DLC is priced at. Three of the map packs are named Battery, Revolution, and Breach. The level design for these map packs look pretty good actually, I recommend you buy them. If you have Call of Duty: World at War, you're most likely looking for a way to enjoy it more anyway. Map packs add a new sense of fun, since you'll be playing in maps that you've never have before. Some people are starting to regret that they've sold their copy of Call of Duty: World at War, don't be one of those people! The game is still being supported by Treyarch, so you might as well enjoy it while the support lasts. So get your Free Xbox Live so you can be able to stay up to date with all the map packs that they have to offer. And keep your eyes peeled next month for the Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 3.